Artist’s Panel

Dublin City Council Arts Office established a Panel of Artists in 2015 for a period of three years. The Panel is open for artists to join throughout the year, but is advertised annually. Artists can apply by completing the Application Form.

All applicants will be assessed and shortlisted for inclusion on the panel on the basis of information received on their: qualifications, relevant experience, proven ability, financial standing, capacity to deliver and references.

Dublin City Council wishes to notify members of the existing Panel that they may amend or add to their information by completing the relevant part(s) of the Application Form. New applicants must complete the full form.

Applications should be marked: Artists’ Panel and addressed to:
Arts Office, Dublin City Council, The LAB, Foley Street, Dublin 1.

The latest date for receipt of applications for this notice is
12 noon on Wednesday 14th June 2017.
To Register or Update Details:

Those interested have to login in to Etenders and express their interest in the tender before they will get access to the application documents. To access Etenders click

Please note if you are not registered with Etenders you will need to do so. To Register or Update Details, click the following link to enter ‘Supplier Company Registration’ on the home page, complete the form and click ‘Save’ at the bottom of the page. If you are registering as an individual rather than a company, fill out individual details, and where it looks for ‘Organisation Number’ use your PPS No. All fields marked with an * must be filled in.