Cllr Heney up-dates residents on Clontarf Promenade Development and Flood Alleviation Measures – Alfie Byrne Road to Wooden Bridge

A Joint Working Group, (JWG) set up in February 2013, comprising Dublin City Council, Clontarf Residents Association and Clontarf Business Association has been working to try and agree a strategy for the development of a flood defence along the Clontarf Promenade. The JWG has now agreed that, based on the available data, the flood alleviation proposal which is most likely to minimise the visual impact to the Promenade Park and leave as much of it as possible for current usage or development would be a dual flood defence comprising the existing sea wall and a secondary defence as close as possible to Clontarf Road and that this proposal would be put forward for computer modelling analysis.

It was also agreed that in order to ensure that this strategy operates along the full length of the Promenade, an extension of the existing sea wall of similar height would be necessary at the Alfie Byrne Road end.

This dual defence strategy involves the following:  leaving the existing sea wall generally as it is but extending it to minimum health and safety levels (1.1m, 3’ 8”) at the Alfie Byrne Road end where it is missing and providing a second wall with flood gates as near as possible to Clontarf roadway for as much of the Promenade as it would be required.  For full report click Clontarf Promenade development and flood alleviation measures 140214