Heney welcomes local exercise area for dogs
As a City Councillor in Clontarf and indeed the owner of two gorgeous Jack Russells myself, I welcome the recent announcement from Dublin City Council of an Off-Leash area for dogs in St. Anne’s Park, Raheny.
As we know, St. Anne’s Park is a well used amenity for dog walkers. In order to facilitate dogs exercising and socialising off-leash outside the times fixed by the Parks Bye-laws it is proposed that a one acre off-leash area or Dog Park be developed in St. Anne’s. The area selected is wooded which will provide plenty of interest and opportunity for play. The site is to the north east of the walled gardens and has been selected in consultation with the DSPCA. The Dog Park will be fenced in keeping with the original Estate fence.
The DSPCA will also be promoting good dog behaviour in St. Anne’s Park through a series of seminars and classes at the Red Stables. It is envisaged that the engagement of the DSPCA with dog walkers in the Park will facilitate a better understanding of the needs of dog walkers by the Parks Service and a better appreciation by dog walkers of the concerns expressed by other park users with regard to dog control and fouling.
Cllr. Deirdre Heney
Fianna Fáil, Clontarf Ward, Dublin Bay North Constituency 7th August 2012