Planning application ref; 3383/14 development at 1, 1A and 1B Sybil Hill Road and lands to the rear of same

Cllr. Heney wishes to advise constituents that the last day for observations on this planning application is on the 15-Oct-2014; observations may be made to the Planning Dept. Dublin City Council, Civic Offices, Fishamble Street. D8.  A planning information meeting is arranged for some residents tomorrow Thursday 10 October at 12 noon in Civic Offices.


Details of proposed development are;

Demolition of 3 no. habitable dwellings at 1, 1A and 1B Sybil Hill Road, their boundary walls front and rear, the erection of new boundary treatment on Sybil Hill Road, the erection of 79 no. dwellings consisting of 8no. two storey terraced houses consisting of 1No. 2 bed & 7 No. 3 bed houses of between 124.3 & 138.3 sqm each, 12 no. one bedroom apartments at 55.9 sqm each, 55 no. two bedroom apartments at between 75.6 sqm and 98.6 sqm each and 4 no. three bedroom apartments at 107.4 sqm each, plus balconies and roof gardens, in 1 no. two storey terrace and 2No. buildings varying in height from three to five storeys, a creche facility of 97.8sqm and associated play space on the ground floor of Block A, a community/cafe facility of 132.8 sqm and associated garden on the ground floor of Block A, a basement car park containing 105 car spaces, boiler house, bin store, bicycle storage for 128 bicycles and ancillary facilities, the closing of 4 no. existing site entrances and the creation of 2 no. new site entrances on Sybil Hill Road (a ramped entrance to the basement car park and a fire service & pedestrian entrance), an ESB sub-station and switch room facility on Sybil Hill Road and associated landscape works on 0.68 hectares at No. 1, 1A and 1B (and lands to the rear of same) Sybil Hill Road, Raheny, Dublin 5 site bounded by Saint Pauls School to the south, Sybil Hill Road to the west, The Meadows residential development to the East and North and the KARE Social Services Centre to the North