Speed limit sign on Seafield Road and installation of pedestrian crossing on Seafield Road

Councillor Heney wishes to advise constituents of the following reply she received from City Council management in relation to

(a) speed limit sign on Seafield Road and
(b) installation of pedestrian crossing on Seafield Road

Q.36 Question in the name of Councillor Deirdre Heney DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL NORTH CENTRAL AREA COMMITTEE 13th December 2021

“To ask the Area Manager in in relation to my question 32 at the May 2021 Area Committee meeting (see attached), if he can arrange to

(a) correct the road signage on Seafield Road, Clontarf, where at present the signage indicates to motorists as they approach from the Vernon Ave side that they are still in a 50kph zone, yet there is a sign stating 30kph at the turn into Vernon Court; and when approaching from the Castle Ave side, they are in a 30kmph zone.
(b) clarify what happened to the recommendation that a pedestrian crossing was to be installed on Seafield Road.”


The Road Safety Engineer will inspect the signage issue described at part (a) above and make appropriate recommendations.

Following assessment, an uncontrolled pedestrian crossing was proposed for Seafield Road West as part of TAG Package 7 Capital Works. Funding is in place and a contractor has been assigned. The exact sequencing of the works within package 7 is at the discretion of the contractor, we have requested a detailed works programme.

A detailed works programme has been requested from the Contractor, and this will be passed on to all Councillors as soon as we have received it.