Sports Capital and Equipment Grants – applications open 17 July 2023
Applications for Sports Capital and Equipment grants will open on the 17th of July. Applicants for local projects can apply for up to €200,000, increased from the previous maximum grant of €150,000; while the maximum valid grant available for projects deemed to be of regional significance has been increased from €300,000 to €500,000. In addition, this year’s SCEP “Guide to Making an Application” has a focus on climate action and sustainability for the first time, supporting local clubs to take steps to reduce their energy consumption and applying for more efficient lighting.
Below is some advice to aid you in preparing for this round of funding:
1 Make sure that your club is registered on the OSCAR system. Applications to the Sports Capital and Equipment can only be made via the online portal called OSCAR. If your club is not registered on the portal be sure to register as soon as possible. If your club is already registered, check that your contact details are up to date so that the appropriate person receives correspondence
2 Confirm that you have tenure or landlord permission on the grounds to be developed. You will need freehold tenure or a long-term leasehold on your grounds if applying for the maximum level of grant available. You can also apply for some funding if you are renting grounds. For this you will need the landlord’s permission and be permitted to use the grounds for at least five years
3 Make sure you have costed your project and have a quote for the total cost of your project. At application stage you will need to submit one quote for each aspect of your proposal. If your application is successful, you must then submit three comparable quotes
4 Ensure that you can prove you have financial capacity to part fund your project. You will not receive 100% funding through the Sports Capital Programme. You will need to show recent copies of your bank statement as proof of match funding. If there is insufficient funding in your account, you will need to provide confirmation that you have been approved for a loan for the project
In addition to these 4 key points, there are several other considerations that can strengthen your application. Licenses agreements for shared use of facilities is one. The technical merit of the project is another as well as planning permission. While planning permission has not been compulsory at application stage, it will be necessary to draw down funding