Update from EPA on Dublin Port Company’s application for Dumping at Sea Permit

Further to your submission received, in relation to an application for a Dumping at Sea Permit Application reference number S0024-01, Dublin Port Company in respect of Dublin Port & The Alexandra Basin Redevelopment (ABR) Project.
I am to advise you in accordance with Regulation 42(8)(a) of the European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011 as amended, that the Agency has made a determination that an Appropriate Assessment is required as the project, individually or in combination with other plans or projects, is likely to have a significant effect on a European site(s). Notification of this determination is attached for your reference. Dumping at Sea Licence appendix reply 141215

In carrying out an Appropriate Assessment the Agency shall take into account each of the matters specified in Regulation 42(12) of the European Communities (Birds and Habitats) Regulations 2011 as amended where applicable.

The application and associated correspondence, including acknowledgements, notifications and general correspondence are available to view on the Agency website at www.epa.ie. You are advised to refer to the website for information on the progress of the application. You may subscribe to updates on this permit application through RSS feeds to receive notifications regarding this application directly to your email account.
Please direct any further correspondence in relation to this matter to Administration, Office of Climate, Licensing & Resource Use, Environmental Protection Agency, Headquarters, P.O. Box 3000, Johnstown Castle Estate, County Wexford.
Yours sincerely

Grainne Power
Programme Officer
Environmental Licensing Programme
Office of Climate, Licensing & Resource Use
EPA, PO Box 3000,
Johnstown Castle Estate,
Co Wexford
Y35 W821
Extn: 7321
Tel: 053 – 9170721
E-mail: [email protected]